I’ve given you a pretty long string of descriptive posts, so I’d say it’s high time for some social commentary.
One obvious question to tackle: Are the Parisians really as chilly as they are reputed to be?
I cannot bring myself to say yes or no. So allow me to deconstruct the question a bit.
Will the average Parisian smile at you on the street? Absolutely not.
If you smile at a Parisian, will you receive a smile in return? Perhaps (but not probably).
Already, I have become so used to being the one to initiate social contact that when someone actually smiles at me or says, “Bonjour,” I nearly jump with surprise/joy. (Needless to say, this someone is generally a fellow American.)
From my experience, a Smiling American Girl will generally receive one of the following reactions.
a. The Leer (Unpleasant and, thankfully, rare. Further explanation unnecessary.)
b. The Smile-Back (Rare but pleasant and refreshing)
c. The Look Away (“Smiling girl could be dangerous.”)
d. The Stern Stare (“I have no reason to smile at you.”)
e. The Double-Take. (One of my personal favorites)
Katie: Smile
Stranger: Quick, reflexive smile followed by frown of uncertainty.
Katie: Still smiling…
Stranger: Another smile upon the realization that this girl does not have shady intentions…
While the lack of widespread conviviality initially unsettled me, I find that I do not mind it so much anymore. After all, the Parisians cross paths with so many people every day that smiling at each one would lead to a very early onset of wrinkles. And I do sympathize with the Stern-Looker. Why should strangers be forced to smile at one another for no reason?
But for those of you who may be wondering whether I will return to the States with a Parisian air of sophisticated detachment, fear not. I have tried in vain to acquire said air. It simply does not work. For better or for worse, I shall always be That Smiling American Girl.